Trigger Point Therapy

Studies have shown that a large portion of pain arises in muscles that have developed trigger points. Trigger points are areas within the muscle fiber that have contracted and cannot release due to injury, or acute overload for example. When many trigger points develop within a muscle this creates hard fibers or taut bands within the muscle. These areas in the muscle will feel hard to the touch and the muscle will test weak. Trigger points have areas to which they refer pain. Sometimes this pain can be quite distant from the trigger point. The areas of referred pain have been mapped and this map forms a system of working with the body. Protocols to systematically treat each muscle are used to bring the muscles to a neutral resting place and release the trigger points. The most effective and efficient way of releasing these trigger points is with the use of the Muscle Liberator Percussion tool described below.

The Muscle Liberator Percussion tool is an extremely fast percussion tool used to quickly release trigger points that refer pain. Trigger points are fibers in the muscles that are stuck and cannot release. These stuck fibers do not contract or stretch efficiently. This can be very problematic for an athlete, for example, when only 30% of a given muscle contracts. This muscle will test weak. In addition to this weakness and pain referral, these areas are stagnant and the fibers have less blood and lymph flow. Therefore healing is slow. The tool works to release muscles very quickly. The fast percussion from the Muscle Liberator, hijacks the nociceptive input going to the brain and the brain gets disoriented. This neurological distraction allows the trigger points to dissolve. Additionally the percussion from the Muscle Liberator creates micro-stretches in the targeted muscle, which allows the muscle to release.

In this session the injury is assessed and pain patterns are observed. A treatment plan is created and all the muscles involved are systematically treated. Muscles are tested throughout the session and and they regain noticeable strength within the first session. Just a few of the injuries that can be quickly treated with a dramatic reduction in pain are frozen shoulder, sciatica, low back pain and rotator cuff, and many more.

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